Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

The soon to be pumpkin creation on paper!

"Look kids!" Dad secretly LOVES to touch pumpkin guts!!! Hee Hee

Dalan was a little too comfortable with pumpkin guts!

Macie's face says it all!

Dalan was just so concerned about the "fire" that goes inside the pumpkin - and was devastated when we told him, the pumpkin was to small to light up. He even added "whiskers" on his special pumpkin. What a guy!

Khloe bug was just happy as can be crawling around on the floor - and discovered the open fridge door! She could care less about pumpkins and fire!

Celebrating 3 days of Halloween - thanks to the fact that it fell on a Sunday this year. First up, we had the 3rd annual Los Flores Spook Alley! Our neighborhood gets together for a dinner followed by games in several garages along our street. It really is a great time and the kids had so much fun this year!

The next night was our ward trunk or treat...

THEN....we celebrated Halloween by getting together with friends to trick or treat around the neighborhood.

This was the ONLY picture I got of the 3 kids together - wow! I will improve for next year's photo shoot!

Macie our little cowgirl!

She was a little bummed and told me the night of our spook alley that she didn't want to be a "dumb cowgirl!" She saw her friend Scarlett in her princess dress-up and Eliza as a cheerleader, and Macie wanted make-up on...and fingernail polish. I promise next year it will be totally up to her who she dresses up as....oops!

Dalan was batman one night - then spider-man the next!

Khloe was a sweet butterfly! Funny story - I didn't give too much thought this year about costumes and didn't want to spend $$$ so I remembered I had been given a butterfly costume by my friend Christina. In my head, I just imagined it was the right size...until the night of our first dress up event! I pulled it out of the closet and it was a 0-6 mos. CRAP! Good thing Khloe is a shrimp and it totally worked!!!!

1 comment:

Malaree said...

Funny fact: Madi also went as a cowgirl for day one of Halloween. After her preschool party she was bawling her eyes out because she wanted to be a princess like all of her friends (which I tried to tell her, but she insisted on being a cowgirl)!

P.S. Your kids are getting so big and they are soooooo stinkin' cute!