This is no longer in Macie's life. We couldn't find this blankie one night and Macie said, "Mom, it's okay. We can get it tomorrow." I thought okay. This is my break. Take the blank, hide it forever...
She has asked about it and has tried to find it a few times. She has replaced the once pink blanket that quickly turned brown over the last 3 1/2 years with a soft clean purple blanket...that she can only snuggle with at night time. Whew. Now, if we could get that thumb out of her mouth!
It's a Christmas Miracle!!! I can't believe she finally has let it go!! Are you going to keep it as a keepsake? You should have taken a picture of the house with all the Christmas lights!!!
Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay....Can I just say how you inspire me?! lol. Your blog is so cute! And your kids are too. :) Congrats on losing the blankie!
Merry Christmas!
p.s. i bought a suit for the cruise....
I can't wait until she can read in a few years... I want to see her reaction to this post and her mother's deceiving ways! :-)
I feel your pain! Both my boys are blankie boys! They were not thumb suckers but Binkies all the way! I was so bad that I didn't try to get rid of them until around THREE! Yikes! So Mason has replaced his binkies with about 10 different stuff animals! Carter still clings to his peter rabbit receiving blanket with the fancy edging! I'm a sucker for the blankies. I can't stand to take away something I made them get attached to in the first place.
that's too funny. you know travis had a big stuffed sheep dog that he loved and i think he may still be scarred from his mom throwing it away!!! ;) they always attach to something...but when they can let it go, it's just shows how big they are! our babies are growing too fast!!!!
My dentist husband tells people all the time that it won't make any difference if kids suck their thumbs until they have lost their first tooth. Just FYI! She sure is a cutie! Hope you guys are doing good!
That is so cute, reminds me of Asher. We had to hide the blankie and threaten not being able to go to Kindergarten to make him stop the finger sucking. I know so sad :(
No advice on this cause somehow I lucked out with no blankie or thumb? Gosh, I must fir right up there with Perfect Mom!!
Happy late B-day! Hope you got my on time txt
I didn't know she was thumb sucker! Cute. It was pretty rough on Brecken when we gave up her blankie too. Macie is so cute! I love that picture
My mom said my blanket got lost when i was younger. A couple of years ago she gave it back to me. I didn't know whether to be happy or mad at her!
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