Sunday, July 29, 2007

A fun day at home

We just hung out at home most the day Saturday...that is after Daddy and Dal got haircuts! We are still working on the potty training with Macie and Dal needed a nap so we just did projects at home. I did sneak out in the afternoon to have some "me" time, which was so needed! I just went shopping to let off some steam!


brit said...

Woo Hoo for Macie. I got your message today. You are so lucky. pretty sure Tanner will be pooping in a diaper for the rest of his life. I hope his wife won't mind..... Oh, except for the times he poops on the ground (fortuantely, always outside, never inside.)

Joanna Goulet said... look wonderful and your family is so cute!! How have you been? it's been ages.Since I've seen you!

Allison said...

Linz you guys are all just so dang cute!!! Gosh!