Then, he offers these sweet and tender moments and proves to be so sensitive and tender hearted. I love these magical moments! Lately, Dalan has been requesting picture frames for his room. His first request was for Jesus and the temple.
Then, he asked for a picture of both his grandma's. Each night he chooses a picture frame to sleep with to make sure he only has good dreams!
Dave had been travelling quite often, and this particular night I let Dalan sleep in my room. When I came in to tuck myself into bed - this is what I found! Sweet Dalan had made a display on the ground right next to where he was sleeping. It doesn't get any better than that!! Love this sweet little WILD crazy FUNNY man of mine!
Found your blog. What a sweet little guy! I miss you too! Funny I was just thinking the other day that the next time I move I want to live by a gym that they have a spin class! I guess I'll be moving back to Idaho( : My workouts have been lame lately! I wish I could do some stair climber with you and then my workouts might be a little more fun!!!
That is so sweet! Love and miss that little guy, as well as the girlies!
What a cute cute cutie - I LOVE it! :-)
That is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I am stopping by your blog because I have missed having you on my Christmas card wall this year. Steve says we are being phased out but I don't think so! No way! Hope all is going well and that you and the fam are all healthy and good! Luvs!
I had so much fun chatting with you the other night at our girls night. You're a doll, your little family is just precious!:)
I had so much fun chatting with you the other night at our girls night. You're a doll, your little family is just precious!:)
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